Support for people from ethnic minorities and global majorities

Anyone whatever their background can experience domestic abuse. We are here for you - to help, support, offer advice and information.

Our partner agency North Surrey Domestic Abuse Services has a specialist IDVA offering support for people experiencing domestic abuse from diverse communities. Contact details are below.

North Surrey Domestic Abuse Services

Call: 01932 260690


The specialist organisations listed below offer educational materials and emotional and practical support.

Chinese Information & Advice Centre

Phone:             08453 131 868 / 020 7692 3697 (Monday to Friday, 10.00am to 6.00pm)



Friends, Families and Travellers

A charity who seek to end racism and discrimination against Gypsies, Travellers and Roma,

Phone:             01273 234 777


IKWRO - Farsi, Arabic, Kurdish, Dari, Turkish and English

IKWRO confidentially helps Middle Eastern women and girls (Iranian, Kurdish, Arab, Afghan and Turkish) with issues including domestic violence, “honour” based violence, forced marriage, female genital mutilation, separation and divorce, child custody, housing and benefits. 

Call:                 07846 310157 for Farsi, Dari, Turkish (24 hrs) 07846 275246 for Kurdish or Arabic (24 hrs)


Jewish Women’s Aid

Call:                 0808 801 0500 (9.30am - 9.30pm - Monday to Thursday)


Karma Nirvana

Karma Nirvana is a UK registered Charity that provides confidential support to victims and survivors of Forced Marriage and Honour Based Abuse. 

Phone:             0800 5999 247 


Kiran: Asian Women’s Aid

The Kiran Project was set up in 1990 to meet the needs of women from the Indian sub-continent & the wider Asian community experiencing domestic violence.

Phone:           020 8558 1986



Southall Black Sisters (operates Nationally)

Helpline: 020 8571 0800


Solace Women’s Aid Irish & Irish Traveller Outreach

Irish and Irish Traveller Outreach and Resettlement service offers practical and emotional support to Irish and Irish Traveller women and children affected by domestic and sexual violence living in the community. 

Phone:            0808 802 5565
