How you can help!
There are many ways you can get involved and support the work we do including:
Purchasing an item from our Amazon Wishlist
Fundraise by organising an event or take part in a sponsored event
Give as you earn through your employer, or nominate us as your chosen charity.
Register with Give as You Live, Easyfundraising or Amazon Smile to donate as you shop on line, at no extra charge to you!
Donate your skills eg IT or social media
Provide a venue or donate refreshments for us to hold events or training sessions
Partner with us by offering corporate sponsorship - contact us to find out more : support@esdas.org.uk
Use the buttons above to find out more!
Your donation can save and change lives.
Thank you for supporting ESDAS.
One-off or regular donations
If you wish to make a regular donation we are happy to provide you with our bank details and send you a Gift Aid Form to complete. You can also send us cash or cheques made payable to East Surrey Domestic Abuse Services. You may also use Just Giving to send us a donation!
Through a Deduction from your Pay
If your employer operates a Give As You Earn arrangement, you can ask for regular donation to be deducted from your monthly salary which will then be credited to us. Our Charity Registration number is 1092643.
By Remembering Us in your Will
You can ask your solicitor to add us to your Will. However, if you don’t have solicitor or Will we can refer you to a firm of Solicitors who can help.
For more information on how to donate please call 01737 771350 or email support@esdas.org.uk
Gift Aid
While we are very appreciative of anonymous donations. However, if you made your donation out of taxed income we would be grateful if you could complete a Gift Aid Declaration, then we reclaim 25p for every £1 donated making your donations even more valuable!
Where will your donation go?
It is our policy not to use donations made by members of the public to fund the core running costs of the service. All donations are used to provide direct support to survivors of domestic abuse and/or their children.
If you wish to specify how your donation is spent please feel free to do so. In the past other donors have given funds to:
Provide emergency assistance which may include transport to a place of safety or food for a family who have had to flee their home
To pay for school uniforms for relocated children
To provide Easter/Christmas or Birthday treats for children who may have no or little contact with their extended families
To provide counselling for survivors of domestic abuse
We are grateful for your donation, every penny you give goes to support and fund the services we offer.
Whether you want to organise a bake sale at work, run (or walk) a marathon we will be very grateful for any amount you can raise to help women and children escape abuse!
If you wish to arrange or take part in a sponsored event we would be happy to supply you with publicity material, set up online sponsorship pages, and help you promote the event.
Please contact us at support@esdas.org.uk to let us know and we will send you leaflets, posters etc to help your fundraising!
We are currently not recruiting for new volunteers but if you wish to send us your details and the role you are particularly interested in from the selection below we will contact you when applications re-open. The email address is: lorraine@esdas.org.uk)
Thank you for your interest in volunteering for ESDAS!
We have a range of volunteering roles:
Emotional support volunteers: work with clients 1-1 that need some additional support as they re-build their lives. The support is led by client needs and can include supporting someone to make job applications, return to education, settle into a new area or make friends/attend groups. These can be daytime or evening subject to client/volunteer availability.
Court Support volunteers: providing emotional and practical support for clients attending hearings and some meetings eg housing. Prior knowledge of the legal process is not required. We provide awareness training of the Court process/types of orders.
Freedom Programme 1-1 delivery: working with clients 1-1 over 15 weeks (who cannot/prefer not to attend group sessions) to deliver the programme. This can be evening or during the day normally online. More information about the Freedom Programme can be found here https://www.freedomprogramme.co.uk/
Client course support: providing emotional and practical help to support delivery of the programmes. Courses are run in person in Redhill.
Office administration and support: Providing administrative support in the office (in Redhill). This might be updating our databases (transferring paper information to our case management system) or may be work in support of one of our Outreach Workers possibly supporting clients directly.
Event administration, fundraising, helping with social media or our website, giving talks in the community or attending events to represent ESDAS: this might involve arranging our annual quiz night or attending a local fayre to hand out leaflets and signpost to our services if a disclosure of domestic abuse is made. We are passionate about ending domestic abuse so if you would like to give talks in the local community about our work please contact us! We will train you and provide a presentation.
What we look for in a Volunteer!
We welcome volunteers*, aged 18 and over, from a range of backgrounds, particularly those who have personal experience of domestic abuse (subject to adequate recovery time)
We value the skills gained through life as well as through employment and other voluntary work
You need to understand the importance of confidentiality and discretion
You must have good listening skills
You will need to support survivors in an understanding and non-judgemental way
We welcome the support and involvement of men however we are unable to offer volunteering opportunities to men that involve direct female client contact.
*Subject to Section 7(2)(e) of the Sex Discrimination Act (Women Only).
What can we offer you if you volunteer with ESDAS?
Relevant ongoing training giving you the opportunity to gain new skills
Annual training day to catch up on news about ESDAS activities and initiatives and a chance to meet other volunteers
Regular 1:1 support from the Volunteer Manager
Enhance your skills and confidence
Meet new people and help raise awareness of domestic abuse in the local community
Out of pocket expenses reimbursed
The appointment process includes an informal interview, application form, satisfactory references and DBS check (depending on role) and completion of Induction training.
All volunteers who support clients directly are required to complete domestic abuse awareness, safeguarding and data protection training.
Please contact Lorraine our Volunteer Manager on 01737 771350 or Lorraine@esdas.org.uk to find out more.
Partner with us
Your support can make a real difference to the lives of survivors and their children. If you would like to partner with us please contact us at support@esdas.org.uk. We would love to hear from you.
Here are a few ideas about ways we can work together to save lives:
We could be your charity of the year! Please contact us for posters and engagement materials to support your fundraising!
Expert skills - your staff could use their volunteering time to give us advice on our social media, IT or a range of projects!
Partnerships matter- Customers and staff care about the impact organisations have on society, helping ESDAS as part of your corporate responsibility strategy can support this and add value to your organisation.
We will work with you to raise awareness of domestic abuse amongst your staff and advise on support for employees experiencing abuse.
Please contact us on support@esdas.org.uk - we can save lives with your valuable support